Dear friends and family,

While we understand and appreciate the tradition of a wedding registry, Justin and I have a slightly different view of a registry. We have lived together for several years and are fortunate to have many of the things we need for our house. Our priority is for you all to come join us for our wedding and celebrate with us in North Conway. We know that for most people this is a significant ask with travel and lodging required in order to be present. We have put together a few items that we would love to have, but we don’t want anyone to feel an obligation to purchase a gift. The true gift is in your presence and support of our relationship! 

We can’t wait to see and catch up with all of you! 

Big hugs and love, 

Hannah & Justin ​​​​​​
P.S. Thank you all for your patience as we know we should have had this on our website sooner!
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